Wherever you are on your life path let Dreamcatcher Community Farm help you find what you are looking for.

Dreamcatcher Community Farm is currently under construction. Although our programs are not yet operational this site can help you acquaint yourself with our future programs. Dreamcatcher has a variety of programs that will enable folks to get involved at whatever level they are ready for. Whether you would like the chance to learn a new skill at one of our day-long Educational Seminars, or are looking for a new direction for your life and guidance around building your career as part of our Vocational Apprenticeship Program, Dreamcatcher has a multitude of ways to get the knowledge and guidance you need to catch your dreams!

Apprentices live and work as full members of the Dreamcatcher Community. Each apprenticeship is tailored to the goals and interests of the applicant. Applicants to the apprenticeship program are matched to master craftspeople or experts in their field of interest who work with the Dreamcatcher Executive Director to create a comprehensive curriculum that encourages growth through the learning of new skills and the journey of self discovery that comes from being allowed the space to fully explore what drives you.

If you are ready to discover your true passions while being supported by a tribe that will accept and nurture your interests, passions, and talents, and help you craft them into a viable career, click the link below and find out how Dreamcatcher can help you catch your dreams.

Visiting Community Members (VCMs) are volunteers who visit the Farm for the span of 2 to 7 days and work as a team to accomplish a work project on the Farm. Led by an apprentice, journeyman, master or other staff member, VCMs receive community service or volunteer hours for their service as well as all meals and housing for the duration of their stay.

Have an office group, youth service organization group, or other group, interested in a unique way to bond, learn about heritage farming, and earn volunteer service hours while doing it? Groups can register together and request a service project from a list of current projects. Click the link to learn more and to get registered for a project today!

Day Long Skills Seminars are opportunities for individuals or groups to visit Dreamcatcher and see all that it has to offer and to learn a new skill related to sustainable agriculture, primitive skills, domestic crafts, artisanal crafts, and much more!

Participants can choose from a variety of day long skills seminars taught by Dreamcatcher apprentices, journeymen, or masters, which provide the participants with a unique and educational farming experience.

Check the VCM Calendar regularly to see when a skills class you are interested in will be offered. Make sure to follow us on social media to get notifications of when new skills classes and other VCM events will be taking place.

Our Apprenticeship program is taught and facilitated by Experts and Master Craftspeople. These pillars of our community are dedicated to passing their knowledge on to youth and young adults, looking for an alternative to mainstream career building paths, and older adults looking to transform their lives or find a new career path. Experts and Master Craftspeople work with their apprentices and journeymen to guide them through the process of building their personalized curriculum to find the career trajectory that is right for them. If you are looking for a place to practice your art, skill, craft, or profession, while passing those skills and knowledge on to a new generation of students, click the link below and learn more about how Dreamcatcher is the place to find your tribe and make a difference in the lives of your apprentices.

Elders in our community are highly respected and cherished keepers of wisdom. Dreamcatcher is built on the principles of intergenerational sharing and collaboration. If you are retired or thinking about retirement and are seeking a supportive community made up of a multi-generational array of individuals and the security of a community of support who appreciate the wisdom and guidance that you bring after a lifetime of experience, then click the link below to discover more about how our community can provide you with a unique and fulfilling retirement experience.

Small Business Incubation Program

Part of Dreamcatcher’s mission includes the facilitation of small business creation, management, and growth. Our community members are provided with resources and support for their burgeoning business ideas in order to help them to reach their fullest potential. Business creation is not a requirement of the apprenticeship program but business management is a major aspect of the apprenticeship curriculum. All our apprentices participate in product design and creation, budgeting, sales, marketing, and financial management during their program and they are given real world experience as part of the Business Incubation Program. Once Apprentices have reached Journeyman status they may choose to found their own start up business as part of this program if they wish. Any Dreamcatcher Community Member may participate in the SBIP. All proceeds form product sales are used to fund Dreamcatcher programs, including providing living stipends for our apprentices. Click the links below to learn about each of the businesses currently in the making at Dreamcatcher.