Dreamcatcher can be that place. Hear at Dreamcatcher Community Farm, Elders are our most honored members. Their words and wisdom are cherished and they are appreciated as teachers, healers, and leaders. Dreamcatcher’s philosophy is based on a multi-generational social model. We encourage those who have lived interesting lives of purpose and who are ready to retire or those who have already retired and are looking for a loving community to belong to who will truly care for you as you live out your final years, to apply for a place among the Honored Elders of Dreamcatcher Community Farm.

Depending on your needs and personal circumstances, our staff will help each applicant find appropriate housing and you will be placed within a family like group of other members of the community who will help you integrate into the community. There are spaces for single applicants as well as couples. Pets are welcome too! Single applicants may be able to share a living space with a roommate who will be matched to you based on interests and other compatibility factors. Couples are lodged in a private cottage or other independent domicile, unless they request otherwise. All of our elder housing domiciles are single story and accessibility friendly. You also have access to all the amenities of the farm including the Community Bunk House, which includes a community room and community kitchen, the crafting spaces and workshops as well as all the beauty of the gardens and grounds.

Physical contributions to the farm, from our Honored Elders, is based on personal circumstances, ability, and interest. Upon application to the Honored Elder program each candidate will be assessed for their interests and possible contribution and will be placed in the support group that most suits them. Applicants also will be assessed on their interest in community living and willingness to participate to the extant they are able.*

Please click the application link and fill out the application form if you are interested in joining the Dreamcatcher Community. Please include as much detail about your needs and circumstances as you can to give us a better understanding of how Dreamcatcher can help you catch your dreams.

*Please note, Dreamcatcher Community Farm is not a retirement community or assisted living facility. Our members are from all backgrounds and are all ages. Although we do strive to provide a community of mutual aid and support to all of our members, we do not employ nursing staff or other staff specifically trained in managing geriatric ailments. If you or your loved-one are in need of more intensive care, Dreamcatcher may not be the right place for you.

Become a Dreamcatcher Honored Elder

Aging in our society is not easy. In a world dominated by the concept of independence it is difficult to admit that we are not meant to exist within the artifice of the siloed life style we have come to think of as normal. As we age and become ever more dependent on others, we can feel hopeless that we we will have the support we need when that support is needed most.

But what if there was another way forward. What if there was a place where we could put these fears aside and age peacefully, supported by a community which values our contributions, even when those contributions are less physical and more wisdom based?