At Dreamcatcher, our bread and butter is our Vocational Apprenticeship Program. That program is designed to help young people who are struggling to find their passion and their purpose and to build that passion into a viable career. The goal being to create a system of mutual aid and support though all the members of the community to nurture growth among our members, create sustainable food and life-ways systems, and foster a new blueprint for sustainability based intentional communities to follow. As a Dreamcatcher Expert or Master Craftsperson you are a keystone species in the Dreamcatcher ecosystem.

First, there is a reason we use the words Expert and Master Craftsperson when titling this program. Here is why. Experts are those members who are experts in their field but who are not artisans or crafts people. We expect that there are professions that may be represented by our members which are useful, teachable and highly necessary in any complex organization, including Dreamcatcher. Therefore those members who have a high level of understanding and proficiency with a particular skill set or professional occupation that could not rightly be called a craft, but which still might attract interest from potential VAP applicants, can still be classed as skills that can be taught and mastered through our Vocational Apprenticeship Program. These skills may include culinary arts, alternative healing arts, hospitality, business management, among others. If you have a deep level of knowledge about a particular skill, or occupation and are interested in becoming a Dreamcatcher Expert, click the link below and apply today!

As for the other title, a Dreamcatcher Master Craftsperson is someone highly skilled in a particular art, craft, farming or homestead skill or knowledge base. You could have been trained through an apprenticeship program yourself, you could have gained your experience though a lifetime of self teaching and adult learning courses. Your individual credentials don’t matter as much as your ability and willingness to pass on what you know to the next generation of learners. Skills that are particularly useful are things like cobblery, natural hide tanning, alternative building, or permaculture and food forests. But just as valid are things like macrame, natural housekeeping, brewing, and baking. Any skill that you have turned into a viable career, or that you could if you had the space and support is a potential VAP skill training area of study. And if you have the skills to create down but the idea of creating a curriculum and training learners through a program of study feels intimidating, don’t worry. Your orientation process will include curriculum creation and you will have a team of other members who will always have your back. No one learns in a vacuum and no one teaches in a vacuum either.

These are the areas of expertise we are curranty actively searching for. But if you don’t see your skill listed here, don’t hesitate to apply anyway. You may have something great to offer that we just didn’t think of yet!

  • Alternative Building Expert

  • Carpenter

  • Woodworker

  • Welder

  • Mechanic

  • Farrier

  • Shepherd/ Sheep shearer

  • Spinster

  • Weaver

  • Horsman

  • Apiarist

  • Tanner

  • Butcher

  • Tool/ Knife Maker

  • Blacksmith

  • Baker

  • Brewer/ Vintner

  • Chef

  • Hospitality

  • Natural Housekeeping

  • Online Marketing

  • Web/Graphic Design

  • Social Media Manager

  • Videographer

  • Photographer

  • Development/ Fundraising

  • Grant Writing

  • Permaculture and Food Forestry

  • Alternative Energy

  • Vermiculture and Composting

  • All modalities of Body Worker

  • Midwife

  • Labor and Postpartum Doula

  • Naturopath

  • Herbalist/ Apothecary

  • Councilor/ Therapist

  • Folklore Historian

If this sounds like something you would like to explore further please click the link below and apply today!

Become a Dreamcatcher Expert or Master Craftsperson

Do you have expertise in a skill or craft but no one to pass that expertise on to? Have you practiced your skill for many years as a hobby because you didn’t have the support to turn it into a viable career? Would you love to have a community of support that will provide you with the space, materials, helping hands, and know how to become the fabulous master artisan that you know you are?

Dreamcatcher Community Farm can be that for you. Read more and find out how you can make a difference in the lives of young people while building your skills, practicing your craft, passing on your knowledge, and changing the world.