Educational Skills Seminars

Participants can choose from a variety of day long skills seminars taught by Dreamcatcher apprentices, journeymen, or masters, which provide the participants with a unique and educational farming experience.

Check the VCM Calendar regularly to see when a skills class you are interested in will be offered. Make sure to follow us on social media to get notifications of when new skills classes and other VCM events will be taking place.

Click the VCM Calendar link to learn about when the up-coming seminars are happening. Click on the seminar you are interested in and fill out the the registration form.

Each seminar has a fee associated with it, depending on the materials required. There is a sliding scale option available for those who need financial assistance. Be sure to check the community calendar often and keep in touch on Social Media to see when the skill or hobby that you are interested in is being offered. And if there is a skill you are interested in learning, that is not currently being offered, please reach out and let us know and you may see that skill offered in the future.

Two handmade felted pouches with wooden button closures. The one on the left is made from undyed brown wool and the one on the right is made from undyed white wool.